Frequently Asked Questions
What information do I need to add a property and send a pet policy contract to the tenant?
You will need your
• property address
• tenant name and email or phone number
• Lease start date
• payment method (if this is your first contract)
Do you have an ESA letter verification process?
Yes, we have a state of the art ESA letter verification process that exposes fraudulent letters. We also include all state laws and penalties for fraudulent documentation in the contracts that the tenants read and sign.
What do I do if I have questions?
If you have questions about how to make and send a contract click here to see a tutorial. If you have other questions that are not answered in these FAQ’s please fill out the “Contact Us” form or email us at info@ourpetpolicy.com and we will get back to you ASAP.
If my tenants have already signed a pet policy, can I implement this pet policy?
You can always let your tenants know you have decided to use our platform to help facilitate the pet policy and ask them to sign up. They have the right to decline. However, if they are asking to have an Emotional Support Animal, a Service Animal, or even if they have a visitor that wants to bring an animal onto the leased premises, you can let them know that you use our platform for those purposes and they would need to get approved before doing so.
You can also customize your policy for your property ahead of time. When the new lease is ready to sign all you would have to do is enter the tenant name(s) and email/phone number and click send.
Do you have pet policies for every state?
Yes, we offer pet policies in every state.